Subsidiaries and partnerships
Screaming Eagle Partners, LLC. ("SEP")
BLFR owns 90% of SEP while SEP holds a 77.5% ownership of Screaming Eagle BNR JV, LLC. (the "JV") while its operator, Resource Rock Exploration, LLC. holds 12.5% interest and Buffalo Resource xxii, LLC. holds the remaining 10%. The JV owns existing wells purchased from prior operators in the Fort Trinidad field with stacked pay zones near Madisonville TX.
The JV holds a 100% operating working interested in Bedias Creek County while collecting 50% of its non-operating working interest in Gin Creek South, operated by Exponent Energy, LLC.
Screaming Eagle Energy, LLC. ("SEE")
BLFR owns 85% of SEE with the intentions to acurie oil and gas producing assets. SEE is curently in an LOI to purchase producing oil and gas assets in TX with production in excess of 1,400 BOE/day, with significant upsidedrilling potetntial, and over 25,000 acres currently held in production. (view disclosure)
Willcox International Holdings, Inc. ("Willcox")
BLFR's Joint Venture Agreement with Willcox is to test, analyze, extract, and distribute refined Lithium Carbonate found in the brine water used in the Company’s production of crude oil. Furthermore, the Company allows Willcox to obtain a 20% working interest of any future producing assets jointly acquired by providing 20% equity. All producing assets jointly purchased will grant Willcox 20% of the producing asset’s net profit with a 50/50 net profit split from all extracted and distributed refined lithium from the Company’s locations.
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