About Us

About BLFR Holding

BlueFire Equipment Corp (OTC:BLFR)is specialized in emerging industries acquisitions with an emphasis in the business in the industrial space. BLFR is currently focused on its recent acquisitions, Screaming Eagle Partners, LLC. and Screaming Eagle Energy, LLC., its two of many to acquire oil and gas company operating in the state of Texas.

For Investors BLFR currently has a very attractive share structure with only 34.1 million shares outstanding and a low float of 12.1 million shares. This makes BLFR a very lean stock that has shown it can move up significantly and rapidly as the company reports positive news on its progress and asset gains. BLFR management has been in process to reduce the share structure by 18 million shares as part of its current business plan. 

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25211 Grogans Mil Rd, Suite 350
The Woodlands, TX 77380, United States


+ 1 (786) 375-7281