Results & Filings
Financial Results
Filings & Disclosures
14NOV2024 - Notification of Late Filing
04SEPT2024 - Affiliate Stock Transaction
03SEPT2024 - Reporting of Material Corporate Events: Legal Proceedings
14AUG2024 - Notification of Late Filing
30JUN2024 - Current Reporting of Material Corporate Events: Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
21JUN2024 - Notice of Exempt Offering of Securities
02MAY2024 - OTC Response Letter
01APR2024 - Late Filing Notice
11MAR2024 - Current Reporting of Material Corporate Events: Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement
05MAR2024 - Current Reporting of Material Corporate Events: Entry into a Material Agreement
28FEB2024 - Current Reporting of Material Corporate Events: Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
01FEB2024 - Stock Issue
10JAN2024 - Current Reporting of Material Corporate Events: Entry Into a Material Definitive Agreement
04JAN2024 - Stock Issue
For archived filings: Please refer to OTC Markets.