BlueFire Energy, LLC.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of BlueFire Equipment Corporation.

About BlueFire Energy, LLC.

  • Mission

    Strengthening America’s commitment to secure, abundant and affordable energy.

  • About

    BlueFire Energy, LLC. provides shared services to the BlueFire family of operating companies. These companies work across the oil and gas value chain and align to safely and responsibly increase energy production. Operating companies include oil and gas exploration & production, and energy service operations.

  • Structure

    Each operating company conducts business under its own brand with independent sales force and operations teams. However, we have integrated back office functions across the business portfolio to better maximize oil production, equipment utilization, and operational logistics. This approach has resulted in cost savings, increased efficiency, and improved supply chain coordination.

  • Operations

    BlueFire Energy currently supports operating companies, Reed Exploration and West Texas Dirt Movers.